Couchbase Server (A.K.A. Couchbase) is open source , NoSQL , document oriented database that stores JSON documents. Couchbase has recently introduced a new feature - Full Text Search ( FTS ). This feature is currently a Developer Preview Version (as of Aug 24, 2017). Couchbase has provided decent documentation for FTS which can be access here . Couchbase stores all the JSON documents in a Bucket . Using N1QL, you can query these documents. These queries are more like SQL statements but for JSON. On the other hand, with FTS you can use following powerful query types: Term, Phrase, Match, Match Phrase, Prefix Conjunction, Disjunction, Boolean Numeric and Date Ranges Query String To use FTS feature, one must have at least one node with FTS service enabled. Here is the link which describes commands to add or join node with a cluster by enabling various services: In order to use FTS ...